by Sarah Zitin
This is my favorite topic! Balance is the key to healthy living in all of the areas I have discussed with you. I must, again, quote one of my best teachers, from whom I have learned to really take responsibility for my life and to let go of notions such as “you did it to me,” or “I am like this because of what you said to me.” No way! Louise Hay says, “Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.
We create the situations, and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration. No person, no place and no “thing” have any power over us, for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and BALANCE in our minds, we will find it in our lives.” How profound, simple and true! We are, in the totality of life, the masters of our fate and captain of our ship, and that is the beauty of our existence.
I have, since I can remember, always been attracted to the ideas of body/mind connection and the emotional/spiritual connection. That is why I studied Chinese herbs, nutrition, massage and a host of other alternative healing modes. Not only was I interested in healing myself, but also in healing others, and I have spent the majority of my life practicing this.
What I have learned is what I have said many times; we are what we eat, think, feel, breathe, drink, do and “be.” And since we have this information available to us, why not make the most of it and take good care of the “temple” that is our bodies and our souls? We have been given the gift of life, especially in this country where we have a wealth of resources and access.
We are not a third-world country who is starving, suffering, and now, as we speak, Haiti is in desperate need of our ACTIONS and our prayers. We have so much in this country to give, share, know, learn, aspire to, dream—we have the ABILITY to help transform this earth in a more positive and productive way. As Saul Bellow wrote, “seize the day.” We only HAVE today as far as we know. I want to ride on the train of life to where it guides me: in service, love, serenity, peace and most of all, BALANCE, without which, we have nothing. When some day in my wildest dreams, all of the world is in balance, we will have arrived at our true destiny!