by Sarah Zitin

Meats from animals raised on factory farms are also given high levels of hormones and are not recommended. Gary Null says, “Estrogenic compounds are routinely injected into commercially raised animals to fatten them up. Once eaten, these hormones are stored in gonadal tissue, whether it be ovarian, testicular or prostatic, where they over-stimulate the body’s own hormones and can lead to cancer.” Therefore, if you are a die-hard meat-eater, eat meat from animals raised in a natural environment and remove the fat.

As you can imagine, there are an endless number of harmful substances in all kinds of foods, and the trick is to learn, read labels, talk to experts and find out for yourself.

The positives are that there are many, many life-supporting and anti-aging foods which keep us healthy and nourish us in the proper way.

I have mentioned the food-groups and why they are so important. The foods within those groups are comprehensive and available. I always read labels when I buy foods that are in packages, boxes or cans. And I always make sure that my fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry come from reliable and clean sources, preferably organic. The best way to utilize them is by rotating what you eat every day so that your body gets a variety of foods in balance. Remember that lean (organic) meats, a host of fruits and vegetables can only be good for you, unless you have specific allergies to certain foods, which is an important part of the equation. Your body will usually let you know which foods feel right and which do not. Listen to it!

Foods lower in saturated fats—especially bad fats like peanut oil, fried foods, donuts and cheeses-- are highly recommended, absorbable and better for cholesterol. This is particularly significant for us as we get older. But good eating habits are crucial for children and growing bones, and the reality is, they will BECOME what they eat, later in life. So teach your children well and feed them nutritious, balanced meals.

This is only part of the whole, but with proper guidance, education and research, you will understand HOW to eat and it will eventually become WHO you are.

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