Some Simple Dieting Basics you may have forgotten

With a new dieting system coming out almost daily, you could get lost in all that complexity and forget the basics. No matter what dieting plan you are using, ensuring that you have already done these basic steps will enhance the effectiveness of that plan. Let the following be a simple checklist for you.

These days there are so many diets out there that it is hard for those of us trying to lose weight to know where to start. As a general rule I don’t believe that any one diet contains the magic formula to weight loss and it is clear that different strategies work well for different individuals. However, there are a few things you can start to change about your eating habits today that do not require any specialized programs or strict adherences. With these small changes however you should start to see a shift in your relationship with food that may help you on your way to shedding those unwanted pounds. The following diet tips are simple, safe and effective so why not start putting them to the test today!

1.) Fill up on water – Before you eat your next meal or snack try slowly drinking a glass of water a few minutes before you start eating. Not only will you feel more full you will also reap the benefits of increasing your water intake each day. Water aids in all of the body’s functions including metabolic function and weight loss! .... read more

2.) Slow down and be present when you eat – The more time you take to chew and enjoy your food the easier it is to “feel” when your body is full. As a whole we are living in a very demanding and time driven culture which has also affected our mealtimes and the pace at which we consume our food. More importantly, eating is now something that we do unconsciously while often our mind or attention is focused on other things. While it may be difficult at first, take the time to be thankful for the food you are eating (particularly when you are enjoying healthy food that will nourish your body) and slow down to fill up. Chewing is also the only step in the digestive process that you actually have conscious control over so be sure to take back your power and chew your food completely before swallowing – your digestive system will thank you! ... read more

3.) Plan your meals – By taking the time each day (or one day out of the week) to plan your meal content and to make time for your meals you are making what you eat and therefore your body a priority. Meals that are planned are usually more nutritious then food purchased on the go and you will feel better when you finally sit down and enjoy the food that you prepared or planned for yourself. Ultimately feeling better about food is the key to healthy weight loss success.

4.) Enjoy the journey and the destination – You’ve heard it a million times; it’s the journey that counts not the destination. Well this is also true when you apply it to your weight loss journey. Although we are all excited to reach our goal weight and final destination it is your ability to enjoy the process and your body the way it is today that is the key to getting to where you want to be tomorrow. If you are always focused on what you don’t look like and how unhappy you feel at your current weight you won’t be able to attract positive changes into your life. Start by being thankful for what you have going for you today and when you picture yourself at your dream weight be sure to feel how happy you are as you imagine.

Weight loss is very rarely a sudden occurrence and in the event that it is the results are not likely to last. The most successful weight loss stories are always about people who have changed their relationship with food and more importantly their relationship with themselves for the better.