Dieting Tips that resulted in a size 10 from size 16 [Page 2]

by Susan Maddocks


Another thing that helps me tremendously is not to count calories but base what I put in my mouth simply on taste. If something taste bad or just OK don’t continue to eat it. We are so trained to just finish something once it is in our hand or mouth. But why would you finish something that is just so so? Every item you eat should be a treat. If it doesn’t taste good, put it down.


And here is the best tip I can give you. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry. A lot of us are program to have food in our day at certain times. Most of us were taught to have three meals a day. We tend to schedule our meals around our life. Now ignore all that and instead listen to your body. Don’t eat anything until you are truly hungry. I found out my body was not hungry until 10:00 in the morning. I used to eat when I got up, that is what my mind was trained to do, but my body told me differently. Until you find out your internal body meal clock, take healthy snacks with you. This will ward off any eat-whatever-is-available because suddenly your starving.


If you start to feel hungry, drink water first. Did you know that 80% of the time your body is just thirsty. Thirst and hunger cravings are the same. If you are truly hungry, eat veggies and fruit first.


Listen to your body every time you eat to learn when it is full. This usually happens before your brain and taste buds are ready to give up the fun sensation of eating. So look for signs. One clear sign is when you physically stop putting food in your mouth. There will be a moment when you talk a break from eating. When this happens put your silverware down, get up from the table, walk away and wait a half an hour. If you are still hungry you can always eat something. It is far easier to eat later then take out the unwanted calories you put into your body, just because it is in front of you. After a while you will know your body signs and be able to stop eating when you are full.

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