by Sarah Zitin
There are FOODS and there are foods. If we are driven by the idea that we are what we eat, wouldn’t you want to eat foods that nourish you and support you?? I certainly would! And I do. A clean, healthy diet is also a diet rich in foods that keep us young, vibrant and alive.
From my own experience, there are days when I ALLOW myself to eat anything I want at any given moment. It doesn’t always include what is RIGHT or GOOD for me, but I don’t care that day. Because I know that my diet is essentially so good and healthy that one day of cheats won’t impact me too negatively.
A “cheat” for me is chocolate, popcorn, soda, cake, cookies, dairy (a REAL cheat), fried foods (rarely), or inorganic coffee. While these foods mostly are not too bad in moderation, they are not so terrific on a daily basis. Let me elaborate.
DARK chocolate is not bad because it deletes dairy from the mix. Experts say that it also has several antioxidants which are not only healthy but also can contribute to stimulating the endorphins in the body ( they make you feel good). On the other hand, the sugar in chocolate is a breeder for all kinds of illness and fungi, including CANDIDA, which is a whole other article. So when I eat chocolate, I try to eat it dark chocolate and find healthy, organic chocolate, too.
Dairy is essentially not meant to be digested by humans. Ask any alternative practitioner who really knows his/her nutrition and you will discover this secret. Dairy is toxic and NEVER completely organic because of what cows are given in order to survive. To quote Gary Null, Ph.D., “Dairy products contain large amounts of estrogen. One reason Japanese women do not get breast cancer as frequently as American do may be that milk is not a staple in the Japanese diet. Dairy products also contain the chlorine-based pollutant dioxin. Anywhere from 4-12 percent of a person’s lifetime accumulation of dioxin could come from breast-feeding during the first year of life. The largest sources of human exposure are generally milk, animal fat, fish and eggs.” If you know and believe this, why would you eat dairy? There are many other toxins in dairy and many other experts who will tell you similar stories! Do your homework… I rest my case.
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