by Sarah Zitin
A large array of vitamins and supplements help also, including vitamins A, C, E-- all of which counter inflammation and damage to the joints.
Chondroitin sulfate stimulates the production of collagen which also helps repair the tissues.
Glucosamine helps repair joints, cartilage and tissue damage.
The point is, I could go on and on and on. As I have said before, with proper understanding, knowledge and resources it is very possible to take good care of yourself if the motivation is there. Vitamins and supplements are all around us-- some better than others, but we can find out whatever we need to know by asking the right questions from the right sources.
Because I happen to be a certified Chinese Herbalist, as I have mentioned before, I am a great proponent of using herbs in conjunction with supplements and diet. I have a literal pharmacy of herbs in my house, and in my lifetime I have CURED Epstein Barr, flu attacks, colds, anxiety, depression and other illnesses with the use of specific herbs. High quality herbs can be found in a good health food store and there are usually certified and qualified people there who can guide you to what you need.
As an example, there is a Chinese herb called “Isatis” which comes from a root (there are leaves, too) and has been magical in my life. It is utilized as an anti-viral and anti-fungal, and has really re-shaped and reformed my body when I needed it; I always have this herb available to me. If I feel a cold or flu coming, I SWEAR by this herb!
There are also combinations of herbs which work synergistically to bring the body back to balance, and they, at different times in my life, have also healed me. Many natural herbs can even be grown in your own back yard!
In addition, there are Native American herbs with which I am less familiar, but what I do know is that they have extraordinary healing properties and have been used for a few centuries to heal illness. Chinese herbs are older, and have been used for many, many centuries.
I have even, on occasion, given herbal remedies to my dogs because I KNOW what to do and how to do it, with great results.
I have a deep and abiding regard for alternative “medicine” such as herbs, supplements and homeopathic treatments, and never hesitate to utilize any of them when needed. I have actually seen miracles in both myself and in others, too! It is important, when using herbs, to know what you are doing at all times, and if you don’t know, ASK!
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