Is Dieting for Dummies?
by Sarah Zitin
The best dieting tips I know are the ones that suit YOU the best! Dieting is such an individual issue that it is a wonder so many people make so much money writing definitive books on dieting.
“One man’s meat is another man’s poison” is a cliché for a reason. Literally, what one person eats to stay slim may be a total negative experience for another, who may have an allergy to a particular food, or the body simply doesn’t respond in a positive way. I have seen dozens of diet books come and go, and hundreds of people lose and/or gain weight on these diets depending on individual metabolism and sensitivities.
There is so much controversy about diets, diet foods, diet “gurus” and diet systems, that I would personally hesitate to condone or recommend one certain diet or diet program.
The biggest testimony to dieting that I can suggest is that I have never been on a diet, never needed to and it is not a part of my daily life. There is a reason for this, and it is NOT because I am blessed, special, different or have a unique metabolism. Here are the reasons:
• I do not use food for an emotional fix.
• I ENJOY eating foods that are healthy and FEEL good in my body.
• I have a healthy body consciousness and like to feel good.
• I do not eat fried foods, dairy, red meats, pork or soy products (which are lately genetically engineered).
• I stay away from foods that I am allergic to (which can cause weight gain).
• I exercise at least three days a week.
• I take daily supplements that enhance immunity, anti-aging (internally), and I take Chinese herbs which give me balance.
• Balance is the key to health, weight loss and longevity.
I will explain all of these statements. The real key is BALANCE in all things, which makes for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
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