by Sarah Zitin
In Thomas Moore’s eloquent book, “CARE OF THE SOUL,” he describes the human body poetically: “The body is the soul presented in its richest and most expressive form. In the body, we see the soul articulated in gesture, dress, movement, shape, physiognomy, temperature, skin eruptions, tics, DISEASES—in countless expressive forms.” This is a very poignant and elegant way of saying that the body is deeply connected to our emotions, our feelings, our thoughts and how we express ourselves in the world. And these emotions translate themselves into our daily lives and are contingent on the foods we eat and whatever else we take into our bodies. In other words, every part of ourselves and what we take in, affects every other part, no exceptions!
In healer and philosopher Louise Hays’ book “YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE,” she correlates between diseases/illnesses you have or have had and their possible causes. She gives examples and testimonies of how the thoughts we think become WHO we are, how we feel and what our bodies are capable of according to these individual dynamics. Her words is extremely palpable reading, very fascinating and from my own experience, right on the money!
For instance, I have witnessed many people who have had heart problems, failure, disturbances and death from heart disease. I’ve also noticed that almost across the board, they were people who at one time, always or even sometimes, did not allow themselves to FEEL or express their feelings. Therefore, they contained them inside; think of this: when a person is stuffing feelings, or constricted inside, what happens physiologically? The muscles of the body, especially the HEART muscles and everything around it, become tight and cut off. Blood supply constricts, the muscles harden and tighten, and the flow of energy in the body becomes imbalanced. The heart, in these instances, becomes compromised and sick, as do other parts of the body (when one becomes “stuffed” with emotions).
When my beloved father passed away six years ago, I was stricken with grief and allowed myself to cry and cry and cry; I dove into the depths of my sadness and opened up my heart.
My mother, on the other hand, went numb, and understandably so. She had spent sixty years loving this beautiful man, and then his body was gone. It was so overwhelming for her that she simply shut down and inured herself from the extreme sadness. It was, at the time, the only way she could carry on.
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