by Sarah Zitin
Two years later, she visited me from Asheville, North Carolina in Los Angeles, and proceeded to have a heart attack on Thanksgiving morning! I wondered why at my home; why had she traveled all this way to come and visit me and have a heart attack? The reasons started to fall into place. First of all, I deduced that she felt safe with me and knew and trusted that I would take care of her (these are unconscious thoughts on her part!). Also, the trip had been too much for her. In addition, she slept in my bedroom where I have many pictures of my family and my father. AND, I very much resemble my father and I’m sure it pushed some buttons for her. Most important of all, I don’t think she had ever allowed herself to go into the depths of her grief about his loss. That, ultimately, took a toll on her heart and it “attacked” (Thank God, she is fine now and in very good shape for almost eighty-seven!).
That is only one example of many, many stories I could share with you. Personally, I have experienced over and over again, illness and dis-ease when I am over-tired, over-stressed, not taking proper care of myself, or when I am not “feeling” my feelings.
There is yet another piece of this anecdote that I want to mention. Because I am drenched in spirituality as opposed to “religion,” I do have a connection with a higher being whom I will call “God.” When I am disconnected from spirit or the eternal presence, or from the reality that we are infinite energy, I also experience dis-ease. This BELIEF in something greater than myself or greater than what I can actually SEE, is very important to my ability to trust and have faith in the flow of life.
I have noticed that I NEVER get sick when my life is humming along and I am in alignment with the flow of life. There is a wonderful saying by a woman whose name escapes me, but I will quote her: “Don’t push the river; it flows by itself.” This, for me, captures the essence of what life is all about. Our emotions are the river, and we must allow them to flow!
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