Is Dieting for Dummies? [Page 4]
by Sarah Zitin
We all REALLY know that fried foods are not good for us because they are cooked in grease and fat, are hard on the metabolism and heart. And they cause people to get FAT when eaten in large quantities. Logic! They also often cause indigestion and bloating, may cause acne, heartburn and nausea. Why would we do that to ourselves!
Dairy, though the majority of you are unaware of it, is REALLY NOT good for you. Cows are fed hormones and antibiotics and graze on grass full of pesticides and, therefore, that goes into our bodies. Even “organic” milk cannot be totally clean because of what the FDA has to do to cows to keep them fat and healthy. And MANY children are allergic to dairy and it causes a HOST of problems; in adults, too. For instance, if your child is prone to many ear infections, a good bet is that he/she is allergic to dairy. It has also been found that so-called autistic children improve remarkably when dairy is deleted from the diet.
In allergic adults, dairy can cause flatulence, bloating, sinus infections and nausea.
Since SOY is often genetically engineered these days, it is not recommended in large amounts. It also increases hormone levels which can be dangerous for SOME people.
Red meats and pork in LARGE amounts are high in fats and proteins which is bad for the heart and weight. Eaten organically, as much as possible and in reasonable quantities, is suggested. There is voluminous information on the reality of these foods, so do the research and you’ll be amazed! Again, the greatest teacher we have is our own bodies—it tells us EVERYTHING we need to know.
This is a no-brainer. We all know that exercise—the right ones for YOUR body (there is information out there for you), is crucial to good health. It stimulates the circulation, the lymph system, the heart muscles, digestion and all-around mental health. Whether you walk, run, do cardio, pilates, yoga, weights, climb trees, jump rope—all are good and recommended for healthy living.
Take a walk in a beautiful park and listen to the trees, the birds, the sound of the wind, and you will HEAR the song of life! YOU know what your body wants to do. Listen to it!! It is very important to stimulate all of our systems on all levels if we choose to have longevity.
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