Welcome to My Health and Fitness Today

Welcome to our resource for living a healthy life. Please feel free to browse our dieting tips and product reviews. Here you will be kept up to date with the latest developments of the health and fitness industry. See what the latest prodcuts that the "gurus" are up to. We cut right to the chase with the information you are seeking. No fluff here. All of our staff writers are very passionte about maintianing a healthy lifestyle. They constantly scour for the latest systems and dieting plans and actually test them out. So be assured that you are getting this information first hand.

Dieting Tips that resulted in a size 10 from size 16

Is Dieting for Dummies?
Body Conciousness
Healthy Eating
Vitamins Supplements Herbs

Dieting Tips
* See how water can help!
* You'll be surprised that even chewing your food thorougly is important for dieting

Some Important Dieting Facts

Real Nutrition Facts
The Pains of Starvation
The Truth about Sugar
Eat Fiber for a Healthier Diet

Product Reviews

This has been one of the hottest selling online products available. Check out this comprehensive Review

Fatloss 4 Idiots
Designer Whey Protein